With a handful of extra un-used vacation days this year, I decided to take a roadtrip to Blizzcon, rather than flying. I'm currently planning on leave this coming Friday, and meandering through Colorado and southern Utah, doing some camping and hiking along my route to the con.
Major stops should include: Arches National Park, Capitol Reef, and Zion National Park. Also going to crash with some old friends in Denver one night.

Blizzcon Predictions
- New expansion announced - 99%
- New Expansion includes crowd-pleasers like playable Naga - 90% (naga specific - 30%)
- New race's starting zone's will be playable at Blizzcon - 50%
- Jaina Proudmoore for days - 90%
- I'll get to meet Laura Bailey (voice actress for JP) and we'll be best friends by the end of the week - 2%
- Tinkerers will not be a new class.
- The new Garrison/Class Hall feature will be guild-centric
- Hearthstone will announce a new expansion set of cards and I won't care at all - 90%
- Despite not playing the game at all, Hearthstone will continue to be the most interesting e-sports event to watch live at blizzcon.
- A new FPS based on the starcraft IP will be announced - 40%
- Overwatch League will dominate the e-sports announcements, despite Starcraft continuing to draw the biggest crowds.
- New hero in Overwatch -70%
- I'll forget that Diablo is a Blizzard game, and won't be reminded of it at all at Blizzcon - 65%